Uzair (Ezra son of God) from Quran Surah 9:30. ( Another noose around the Ignoramus Christians missionary's neck)

By Jamal Dookhy - October 20, 2021

Uzair (Ezra son of God) from Quran Surah 9:30. ( Another noose around the Ignoramus Christians missionary's neck)

I had an old wise friend a long time ago (about 3 decades) who told me a wise saying;

There 4 kinds of people.

1) The one who knows he does not Know. ( The humble servant.)

2) The one who knows that he knows ( The humble wise.)

3) The one who does not know that he does not know. ( Ignoramus who thinks he knows everything).

4) The one who knows that he does not know. (The pomp and arrogant) 

The Facebook Christian missionary goes under number 3 and 4

Most often ignorant Christians who are out on a mission to disprove Islam are given a task to defame the Quran, Allah and the prophet (pbuh) end up being pomp and arrogant but regrettably no baggage to back them. 9 out of 10 times they come drums beating with all their pomp and haughtiness and they believe as long it sounds like it disproves the Quran or Islam they are happy to go with it not researching and digging into historical facts. They act like they have discovered America on the map and take it and run. only to be shown the truth further up by the Muslims they hate and had come to disprove.

One of these issues is the claim in the Quran that Uzair (Ezra) was the son of God. The Irony is that since much of the proof that he was is found in the Jewish oral tradition and some in the Christian historians' documents, the Christians with pomp, as usual, tend to make out they know it all and leave a wealth of evidence try and disprove the Quran. 

Let us look and see if Ezra was known as the son of God or not and maybe the Christians Missionaries should learn to humble themselves a bit more.

The Jews call `Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is the saying from their mouth; (In this) they are intimate; what the Unbelievers of the old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the truth. Quran (9:30).

As usual, the jews and Christians of the time did not understand what was being said and often misinterpreted the text. it is clear there: That is the saying from their mouth; (In this) they are intimate; what the Unbelievers of the old used to say."

We know that a lot used to go around in antiquity and also at the time of the prophet (saws) the Quran came to correct these errors and misinterpretations and misunderstanding. A lot was said. 

So we see the Quran saying that the Jews used to say that, not that Allah or the Quran in any sense was saying that Ezra was the son of God, but people who could have been spreading beliefs that are not true. "It is coming from their mouths," says the verse.  The jews in their oral tradition said a lot of things.

 The verse in the Quran is clear here" The Jews call `Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is the saying from their mouth; (In this) they are intimate; what the Unbelievers of the old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they have deluded away from the truth." Quran (9:30). yes the Jews were saying that it could have been a clan, it could have been a sect it could have been anything. then the verse goes on to say "what the Unbelievers of the old used to say." so again if there was a group of Jews somewhere in the diaspora in the past who read into their texts and concluded according to them that Ezra was a son of God. One because of what I mentioned above. In Christianity according to Paul, everyone is a son of God. so it is a lie to deny that Ezra could have been considered one? secondly, in the verse quoted above, Paul claims to the Romans that those who are led by the holy spirit are sons of God. Does any Christian deny that. Then if Ezra who rewrote the Torah, was he not led by the holy spirit according to your own texts. Much of the knowledge of Ezra is found in texts that are relegated to Apocrypha and it does not mean because man has relegated to Apocrypha that it was being preached prior to that. Men decided it was Apocrypha, not God and an abundance of information about Ezra is found in the Apocrypha and no Christians can really say they know about Ezra because they don't read it. The book of Ezra says "After these things, during the reign of Artaxerxes king of Persia, Ezra son of Seraiah, the son of Azariah, the son of Hilkiah, (Ezra 7:1)

Ezra son of Seraiah שְׂרָיָה (ser-aw-yaw'). The name Seraiah means, “Yahweh is ruler” Thus, Ezra is given the name son of Yahweh (God) the ruler. " 

If we proceed further biblically we see that the Book of 

this Ezra came up from Babylon. He was a teacher well versed in the Law of Moses, which the Lord, the God of Israel, had given. The king had granted him everything he asked, for the hand of the Lord his God was on him."  So an intelligent mind who is not out to disprove or deny the truth will see in their own scripture first it is saying that Ezra was close to god, very close to God he even rewrote the Torah.  and due to his closeness to god the jews of the past would have considered him Son of God because if angels and peacemakers and Oh! even according to the Bible Satan could have fit the bill for being an angel. What stops Ezra from being considered as the son of God. Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad (saws) in 7th-century Arabia, not 20th or 21st century America, Europe, or Africa. Mr. Ignoramus Christians Missionary have you researched enough before you make your conclusions on the Quran, Allah and the prophet (saws) about  Arabian, history, culture, Jewish history in the Arab world in antiquity. Because there is historical evidence that in Pre Islamic Yemen there were Jews who called Ezra the son of Allah.

"Ţabarī cites another version of this legend: the Jewish scholars themselves hid the Ark, after they were beaten by the Amalekites. H.Z. Hirschberg proposed another assumption, based on the words of Ibn Ḥ azm (I, 99), namely, that the “righteous” who live in Yemen believe that ʿUzayr was indeed the son of Allah. According to other Muslim sources, there were some Yemenite Jews who had converted to Islam who believed that Ezra was the messiah. For Muhammad, Ezra, the apostle (!) of the messiah, can be seen in the same light as the Christians saw Jesus, the messiah, the son of Allah. An allusion to the figure of Ezra as the apostle of the messiah is found in a tale which is widespread among the Jews of Yemen, according to which Ezra requested that they immigrate to Ereẓ Israel, and because they did not, he cursed them. Yemenite Jews have therefore refrained from naming their children Ezra. According to some Muslim commentators, ʿUzayr is the man who passed by the destroyed city (of Jerusalem) Sura 2:261) and did not believe that it could be rebuilt (see *Jeremiah). [Haïm Z’ew Hirschberg] (Encyclopaedia JudaicaVolume 6, Encylopedia Judaica Jerusalem)There is a hymn that Hasidic jews sing for their awaited messiah who they call Uzair, the song begins with Keep us alive Oh God until the promised date that the helper(Uzair) and supporter appears.

So we have it clear and net. In the past Jews in the Arabian Peninsula called Ezra the son of God. Either in their oral tradition or books. These were the people Mohmmad (saws) had more to deal with so he was informed about them. Since you have not studied or researched Mr. Ignoramus, rather than trying to disprove the Quran Christians should busy yourselves researching the truth and being less pomp and arrogant. In order that you are no longer under categories 3 and 4 above.  (Update : Thanks to brother Ibrahim of proving Islam for having contacted a Rabbi and got confirmation about The hasidic Jews having a hymn that they sing calling Uzayr  son of God here is the song 

 Clear that Islam is right and the Jews did call Uzayr son of God

Until then ( 106 or 107 A.D. at the martyrdom of Symenon ) the church remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, for those who attempted to corrupt the healthful rule of the Savior's preaching if they existed at all, lurked in obscure darkness. But when the sacred band of the Apostles and the generation of those to whom it had been vouchsafe to hear with their own ears the divine wisdom had reached the several ends of their lives, then the federation of godless error took its beginning through the deceit of false teachers, who, seeing that none of the Apostles still remained, barefacedly tried against the preaching of the trust the counter -proclamation of knowledge, falsely so-called." (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 111, Chap. xxxii.)


This blog we will be educating and dispelling the Misconceptions held by Christian missionaries about Islam , the Quran, the prophet Muhammad and our understanding of the Bible. 

There is a lot of islamophobia through the social media channels and a lot of ignorance about Islam, the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH).We invite you to participate in the dialogue with honesty, sincerity and an intention to learn more from authentic sources rather than from Anti Islam unauthentic sources.

Thank you


Hi and welcome to My blog, this blog is for education and bridge building between Christianity and Islam. It is by no means an attack nor ridicule on any one's belief. Please be courteous and let us share the common ground between us. We will be dispelling the misconceptions from the Quran and The Bible