By Jamal Dookhy - December 30, 2023
Shared Struggles: Palestinians and Native AmericansIntroduction:The histories of the Palestinians and Native Americans share haunting parallels, as both communities have endured forced displacement, land seizures, and mass atrocities throughout their respective histories. In this report and blog post, we will explore the historical and contemporary connections between the plight of these indigenous peoples. By delving into key events such as the Naqba (Catastrophe) and the Trail of Tears, we will analyze the shared experiences of land theft and survival. Additionally, we will examine the ongoing struggles of displacement, illness, and starvation faced by both communities, shedding light on their resilience ...
By Jamal Dookhy - July 31, 2023
Written by Jamal Dookhy Aug 2023 Doha, Qatar Introduction: The birth of Jesus Christ, as chronicled in the New Testament, has long been a subject of debate, intrigue, and analysis. Matthew 1:16 onwards recounts the genealogy leading up to Jesus' birth, while also emphasizing the unique circumstances of His conception through the narrative of the Virgin Mary. This article aims to delve into the reactions and questions that may have arisen during that time period when a woman, like Mary, conceived a child out of wedlock. By examining insights from scholars like Adam Clarke and Spurgeon, along with Jewish sources, ...
By Jamal Dookhy - July 29, 2023
Written By Jamal Dookhy July 2023 Doha, Qatar Introduction: The Bible, a holy text revered by millions, has been traditionally believed to be the infallible word of God. However, a closer examination of its origins, manuscripts, and authorship raises essential questions regarding its divine nature. This article aims to debunk the notion that the Bible is the direct word of God by exploring its historical context and shedding light on the ambiguities surrounding its authorship. This article explores the evidence supporting this claim, while also analyzing the absence of claims of inspiration by the writers themselves. Additionally, it delves into ...
By Jamal Dookhy - July 28, 2023
Jamal Dookhy July 2023 Doha Qatar Introduction: The authorship of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Old Testament, has long been a subject of debate among biblical scholars. Traditional belief ascribes the authorship to Moses, the legendary  figure born in Egypt and raised in the court of Pharaoh. However, modern scholarship has cast doubts  on this claim, citing linguistic, historical, and textual evidence that challenges Moses' authorship. This article aims to present a comprehensive analysis of the authorship of the Pentateuch, exploring the evidence for and against Moses as its author, while incorporating insights from prominent scholars who have extensively studied this topic. Historical Background of Moses: To ...
By Jamal Dookhy - July 21, 2023
Written By Jamal Dookhy Doha Qatar July 2023 Introduction: Many attempts have been made to discredit the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and it is not something new it started from the revelation itself, where the enemies of Islam made up stories against the prophet to discredit him and his message. The Christians of today and earlier centuries do the same as the Pharisees were doing to the prophet Jesus (Isa a.s) who claimed he was a blasphemer, a madman, a sorcerer and so on just to deny his message. The orientalist of the 19th century and 20th ...
By Jamal Dookhy - July 18, 2023
The Contention of John 1:1 having been borrowed From Philo of Alexandria. By Jamal Dookhy  July 2023 Doha Qatar John 1:1 presents a unique challenge in its potential connection to the writings of Philo of Alexandria, which suggests that John may have borrowed elements from Greek philosophical sources and pagan beliefs. This perspective challenges the credibility of quoting John 1:1 to support Christian beliefs. To comprehensively analyze this issue, we must delve into the meanings of the Greek words used in John 1:1, explore the concept of the Word in relation to God, and reconcile the reference to Adam as a word of God with the content of John ...
By Jamal Dookhy - July 18, 2023
Quran chapter 9 verse 31 Another noose around the missionaries’ necks.  Allah does not say Jesus Is God nor divine.Jamal DookhyDoha QatarJuly 18, 2023All Praise be to Allah, may the peace and blessings of Allah be on our dear prophet ﷺ          Chapter 9, verse 31 of the Quran is often cited in discussions about the divinity of Jesus in Christianity. It is important to approach the interpretation of this verse with scholarly rigor and an objective understanding of the context. In this chapter, we will provide a clear translation of the verse, examine various tafsirs, and ...
By Jamal Dookhy - May 5, 2023
How Christain misssionaries lie and accuse Islam concerning slavery when it is Biblical and Islam came to abolish itAboo mohammad Jamal Dookhy, 17/03/2023Slavery has been an issue of great controversy and debate throughout history. It is a topic that is often painful to discuss, but one that must be explored in order to understand the full extent of its impact on society. From biblical slavery to chattel slavery, the practice of owning and controlling human beings has been an unfortunate reality that has caused generations of people to suffer.One of the most important aspects of understanding slavery is examining its dirty ...
By Jamal Dookhy - May 5, 2023
Is the injil and the Torah mentioned in the Quran the current Bible as it is erroneously believed by the Christians?Written by Aboo mohammad jamal Dookhy03/28/2023All praise is due to Allah and may the peace and blessings of Allah be on the prophet Mohammad.When it comes to understanding the references to the Injil and Torah in the Quran, it is important to delve deep into the historical and cultural context of the time. The Quran refers to the Injil, which is the Arabic term for the Gospel, and the Torah, which is the Arabic term for the Jewish scripture known ...
By Jamal Dookhy - March 2, 2023
In the name of Allah most gracious , most mercifulJamal DookhyWrite some famous Tafsirs- write about their schools of thoughtThe most famous writer of Tafsir,  with no doubt was during the time of the prophet (saws), he was Abdullah ibn Abbas the cousin of the prophet(saws) who even the prophet (Saws) made duah for him. Although we do not have any bo0ok of Tafseer directly form ibn Abbas however His student As-saadi has his tafsir in written format which we can available on the market today from which many prominent scholars quote. As-saadi was from the tabi-in.The Richteous generation that ...

Until then ( 106 or 107 A.D. at the martyrdom of Symenon ) the church remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, for those who attempted to corrupt the healthful rule of the Savior's preaching if they existed at all, lurked in obscure darkness. But when the sacred band of the Apostles and the generation of those to whom it had been vouchsafe to hear with their own ears the divine wisdom had reached the several ends of their lives, then the federation of godless error took its beginning through the deceit of false teachers, who, seeing that none of the Apostles still remained, barefacedly tried against the preaching of the trust the counter -proclamation of knowledge, falsely so-called." (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 111, Chap. xxxii.)


This blog we will be educating and dispelling the Misconceptions held by Christian missionaries about Islam , the Quran, the prophet Muhammad and our understanding of the Bible. 

There is a lot of islamophobia through the social media channels and a lot of ignorance about Islam, the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH).We invite you to participate in the dialogue with honesty, sincerity and an intention to learn more from authentic sources rather than from Anti Islam unauthentic sources.

Thank you


Hi and welcome to My blog, this blog is for education and bridge building between Christianity and Islam. It is by no means an attack nor ridicule on any one's belief. Please be courteous and let us share the common ground between us. We will be dispelling the misconceptions from the Quran and The Bible