Seerah (biography of the prophet (saws) in the light of the dawah Part 6

By Jamal Dookhy - August 2, 2021
Seerah (biography of the prophet (saws) in the light of the dawah Part 6

Seerah (biography of the prophet (saws) in the light of the dawah Part 6.

The situation world wide and the birth and miracles and events during the birth time of the prophet Saws.

Mercy for mankind, rahmtalilil alameen

Why, why was the prophet sent to be mercy to be mercy for mankind? just think about it for minute


The world was very desperate and for more information in that regard uh you could refer to an excellent book written by Hasan al Nadawi “ISLAM AND THE WORLD the rise and the decline of Muslims and its effect on the world” he mentions in the first paragraph” Sixth Century CE The sixth century of the Christian era, it is generally agreed, represented the darkest phase in the history of our race. Humanity had reached the edge of the precipice, towards which it had been tragically proceeding for centuries, and there appeared to be no agency or power in the whole world which could come to its rescue and save it from crashing into the abyss of destruction.

He goes on to say “In his melancholy progress from God-forgetfulness to self-forgetting, man had lost his direction. He had grown indifferent to his destiny. The teachings of the prophets had been forgotten; the fire that they had kindled had either been put out by the storms of moral anarchy or the light they shed had become so feeble that it could illumine only the hearts of a few men, most of whom had sought refuge in passivity and resignation.”


Under the Title Christianity he says 


Thus, by the fourth century, Christianity had become a curious mixture of Greek mythology, Roman idolatry, Egyptian Neo-Platonism and Monasticism, in which the pure and simple teachings of Christ had been lost like a drop of sweet water in the ocean. The Religion had been reduced to a hopeless mess of meaningless doctrines and empty rituals which could neither elevate the spirit, illuminate the intellect, nor move the emotions. Instead of opening fresh avenues or the display of cultural energies, this great religion had become a stumbling block in the path of human progress. Centuries of morbid disintegration bad ushered the faith of Jesus into the lap of Paganism.



The mutual jealousy and hatred between the Christians and the

Jews, which did not permit any opportunities to settle old scores, was brought to its climax towards the close of the sixth century. In 610 C the Jews of Antioch rebelled against the Christians, and Emperor Phocas sent his famous General Bonosus to put down the uprising, who set about his task with such enthusiasm that the entire Jewish population was wiped out. Thousands of Jews perished by the sword, while hundreds were drowned or burnt alive or thrown to wild beasts. The Jews took their revenge in 615 by instigating Khusrau Parvez to order a general massacre of Syrian Christians when he overran that

country. Then, in 630, Heraclius wreaked such savage vengeance on the Jews that in the Roman Empire those alone could save themselves who were able to flee or go into hiding. 



Iran was Rome's equal in the governance and administration of the civilized world. Its moral foundations had never been sound. It was a hotbed of vice and folly. Conjugal arrangements considered criminal in other parts of the world were not unlawful or undesirable in the opinion of the Iranians. 

It is stated that Yezdegerd II, who ruled during the middle of the fifth century CE, married his own daughter and afterwards killed her, II and that Bahram Chobin, in the sixth century, had marital relations with his sister.  As Professor Arthur Christensen

remarked, the Iranians found nothing repugnant in incestuous

connections. The famous Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang stated that no relationships were excluded from conjugality in Iranian law and society.

Iran King Worship

Racial Pride

Fire worship



Due to Its assimilation of the teachings of Brahmanism and its adopting of deities and gods, Buddhism had, a long time ago, lost its individuality and the simplicity of its creed. Brahmanism had swallowed it up. In any case, the two religions had melted into each other after centuries of

bitterness and conflict, and Buddhism was converted into an idolatrous faith. Wherever the Buddhists went, they took the images of Buddha with them. 

The entire religious and cultural life of the Buddhists is

overshadowed by idolatry. I9 Strangely enough, idol-worship was introduced into Buddhism when it "vas in the full bloom of its power in India. Professor lshwar Tapa observes that, "the kingdom that was established under the patronage of Buddhism began to present a vast scene of idolatry.


Central Asia

The other nations of Eastern and Central Asia (Mughals, Tartars,

Japanese, etc.) were oscillating between a perverted Buddhism and barbaric paganism. They were still in the transition stage of civilization, having only just begun to emerge from the Dark Ages. Most had yet to learn the rudiments of a civilized existence.


In India, the epoch opening with the sixth century was by all accounts the gloomiest in its long and chequered history. Once the cradle of great religions and mighty civilizations, it had now languished and absorbed all the features of social and moral degeneration that had overtaken the neighbouring lands, and to these it had added a few characteristics of its own, more prominent among which were: an abundance of objects of worship; sexual wantonness; and caste and social distinctions.

(i) Ever-Increasing Gods

In the sixth century CE, idolatry had reached its lowest ebb in India. The Vedas give the number of Hindu gods as 33. During this period as many as 330 million gods were worshipped among Hindus. Almost everything that possessed any attractiveness or utility had been vested with divine attributes. Stones and minerals, trees and plant" rivers and mountains, animals and even organs of procreation were adored as gods.

(ii) Sexual Wantonness

Nowhere do obscene subjects and sexual themes occupy such a

conspicuous place in religion as they did in Ancient India. Extremely revolting and shameless accounts of the sexual misdeeds of gods and goddesses by way of explaining the occurrence of important mythological events and the creation of things are found in the ancient Indian religious books.


(iii) The Caste System

Another glaring peculiarity of the religio-social structure of the India of early days was the all-powerful caste system. Its foundations had been laid by the Aryans during the later stages of the Vedic Age with a view to protecting themselves against mixing with the primitive races of the

land. In the words of Gustave le Bon



The Romans and the Persians, who enjoyed the monopoly of leadership in the West and the East respectively, had sunk into a state of utter moral depravity. They wallowed in the deep-rooted vices of their corrupt and decaying civilizations. Their empires had become store-houses of confusion and mischief The governing classes, drunk with power, indulged in reckless debauchery and sensuality. The middle classes, as is their wont, took great pride in aping the modes and manners of the rich. As for the common people, they lived in grinding poverty. They filled their bellies like lower creatures and toiled and sweated like cattle so that others might live involuptuous luxury. They would solace themselves with narcotics and cheap entertainment or fall blindly into carnal pleasures whenever their miserable lives afforded them a breathing space.

has another and he has a whole chapter in his book talking about the situation in the world at the time of ar rasool saws

over here we just have situation in Arabia but over there he talks about the situation in the Persian Empire China India Roman Empire all around the world and it was in a very desperate state it needed the light of prophecy.  

It wasn't entirely evil people around the world still retained some good qualities and albooti he talks about some of the good qualities that having the time of Mohamed Salah Salem and he mentions a few examples like generosity and hospitality fulfilling our pledge, pride and denial of shame, and injustice, firm will and determination, perseverance and deliberateness pure and simple life. so these are some aspects that were taken advantage of by Islam. You see the sahaba because they held these qualities they were successful in spreading the religion. Their generosity and hospitality, made them welcome and the nations they would go to, I mean people around the world would welcome the sahaba  (ra) they weren't like a despised occupier the sahaba were welcomed in the lands they went to the people saw them as a liberating army that would free them from slavery and the servitude, that they were going through this held true for example when it came to the people of Egypt and the people of Syria were ruled by the Romans they didn't see the army that is coming in as displacing another occupying army, no they saw them as people who are liberating them and then there was 

something among the sahaba (ra) and they didn't care for power and authority in many places they would go they would train among the local people leadership and then they would hand it over to the sahaba out to call people to Islam not to rip their resources like we had in the colonial era of Europe and the imperial powers of Europe, France, Britain, Italy, Holland. I mean they went all over the world these European powers went all over the world taking advantage of the people and stripping them of their wealth. That wasn't the case with the time is almost hobbled along and therefore semblance of pledges their firmness and determination they were strong you could count on them they were powerful when they gave a word they would stick to it so these were qualities that were very important for now and that's why Allah Subhana wa taala chose that particular to host the last message I mean it wasn't a haphazard thing but Allah subhanawa taala chose Mecca to be the birth place of Rasool saws and the people in that area at that time had qualities which made them the fittest to carry the message and they pledged their lives for it and they gave their lives and sacrificed everything for Islam.


Anyway we talked last time about the story of the elephant Al feel. in am al feel he was born in the year in which Allah subhana wa taala destroyed the army of abraha.

The blessed birth of the prophet saws.

The birth is also said to have come on the 12th of the month. Ibn Ishaq states this. Ibn Aba Shayha relates this too in his compilation, on the authority of 'Affan, from Saiid b. Mina', from Jabir and from Ibn 'Abbas, the latter two having stated, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) was born in the 'year of the

elephant', on Monday the 12th of Rabic al-Awwal. On that same day he received his mission, was carried up to heaven, emigrated from Mecca, and died. And this is what is widely known to most people; but God knows best." His mother Amna was pregnant Abdallah his father was on a journey to a sham but he ended up dying close to Medina and he was buried so he died before the birth of Mohammed Salah saws was born and his mother saw a light that is coming out of her and this light is reaching towards a sham and that was interpreted as the light of the message of Mohammed Saws reaching to the world. 

Rasool saws says about his lineage, there are a few ahadith that Allah knows best where to place his prophet and so Allah subhana wa taala chose the best to be his messenger, now imam ahmad narrates a hadeeth that people were talking different things about the prophet saws for example they said that the Mohammad saws was like a green tree grown in the desert what they're trying to say is that was the only good person among his clan so ibn abbas says certain things that people were saying reach the messenger of Allah so he mounted the pulpit and asked who am I? 

They replied and said you are the messenger of Allah he replied I am Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul muttalib with his son I'm Muhammad son of Abdullah son of abdul muttalib Allah  made me part of his best creatures, he made them all into two groups placing me in the better of them he created the tribes and placed me in the best sub divided them into clans and placed me in the best one and the best of you both in clan and in spirit. Rasool saws was not saying that i'm not a good person among a group of evil people. I am the best from among the best, His tribe bani Hashim were the most noble. So from among the best so my clan and my tribe are the most nobles and Rasool saws also says also says very allah granted eminence to Kinana from amongst the descendants of  Ismail, he granted eminence to the quraish from among  Kinana and he granted eminence to the Bani hashem among Quraish and he granted me eminence from the tribe of banu hashim. 

 Point to mention , in many places the lineage of ther prophet saws is clearly started and those who do not know or don’t want to know or want to deny the lineage from the prophet Saws all the way from Ismail (as) need to read the authentic seerah.


So Rasool saws was the greatest from among banu hashim and banu hashim was the most noble among Quraish and Quraish were the most noble among kinana and kinana was the most noble of the descendants of Ismail.

Clear isn’t it

Also rasoolallah (saws) and then says in another Hadeeth “I was the product of true marriage not fornication from Adam right on up to when my father and my mother had me I was not at all tainted by the fornication of Jahiliya from the time of jahilya because of the corruption and lewdness that occurs when people are far away from the true message their hearts become perverted and a lot of immoral acts occur among the people but Rasool saws is saying even though part of my ancestry lived in those errors in those times but I was a product of marriage all the way up to Adam so there isn't any of my ancestors oh had a relationship of zina.

it says all through marriage all the way to Adam (as) and that is something that Allah granted to Mohamed Salah Salem. It was all through true marriage. I hope the meaning of this is clear that the linear examples from him all the way up to Adam (as) was a product of marriage.

The famous names of Mohamed Saws we know are Mohammad and Ahmed but he has some additional names and will talk about the meanings of these names. The name that was given to him by his parents was Muhammad.  Who was the one who named him Muhammad who was it his grandfather Abdul muttalib.

Point to mention

Muhammad means to be eternally praised. For he obliges praise from people for his characteristics and qualities. He is the embodiment of praise, the one who draws praise. We send peace send blessing on him all the time daily Praising him. Allah tells the angels to send praise on him all the time, however we do praise all other prophets too but Muhammad saws is the embodiment of praise. There is no person who has lived in history who was praised like Muhammad saws and I think we saws in one of our earlier sessions where the ambassador of Quraish who had met and sat with rulers and kings before Islam said that he had never seen some one so loved and praised by his people like the prophet saws.

An observation: The qadi iyadd stated in his book aShifa' (Healing):

"Regarding the name 'Ahmad' mentioned in the (holy) Books and of whom the prophets gave glad tidings, God in His wisdom prevented anyone to be named by it before Him, so that no confusion or doubt should descend on those weak of

heart." Similarly with "Muhammad" as well; none of the Arabs or any other people was named by it until shortly before his birth word was spread that a prophet would be sent whose name would be "Muhammad". And so a small Arab group

did give their sons that name hoping that one of them would be he. But God knows best where to place His message


Ahmad means he praises Allah, so he is the most who praises Allah. Other names are Al haasher. The gatherer to whom humanity will be resurrected. The first to be resurrected

Al muqaffi. The successor is the last of the prophets and messengers. The last. Al mahi, the eraser or eliminator of Kufr, something his ummah is still carrying out. 


Point to mention alluding to John 8:58, NIV: "Very truly I tell you,' Jesus answered, 'before Abraham was born, I am!'" I am verse.

This poem has been ascribed to Hassiin b. Thbit.The hafiz ibn al-@sim b. 'Asair recounted in a line of transmission from Abo al-Hasan b. Aba Hadid as follows that Muhammad b. Abii Nqr informed# him, 'Ahd al-Salam b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Qurashi told him, Abn Hasin

Muhammad b. Isma'il b. Muhammad d-Tamimi related to him, as did Muhammad b. 'Abd Allah al-Zahid al-Khurismi, as did Ishaq b. Ibrahim b. Siniin, as did Sallam b. Sulayman abl  Abbas al-Makful al-Mada'ini, as did Warqa) b. 'Umar, from Ibn Abu Najih from 'Ata) and Mujahid from Ibn Abbas

who said, "I posed the following question to the Messenger of God (SAAS), 'Where were you, may my parents be your ransom, when Adam was still in paradise?' He replied, smiling so broadly all his teeth could be seen, 'I was in his loins. Then the vessel carried me into the loins of my father Noah, who cast me out into the loins of my father Abraham. My parents never once engaged in fornication. God went on transporting me from respectable loins to chaste wombs, pure and unsullied, and whenever a line split I was always in the better half. God has covenanted prophethood in me and made Islam my pact. He made mention of me in the Torah and in the Bible. All the prophets made clear my qualities; the earth brightens with my light and the dark clouds with my face. He taught me His Book and gave me honour in His heaven. He cut off for me one of His own names; the enthroned One is Mahmad, while I am Muhammad and Ahmad. He promised me that He would reward me with a garden and with al-kawthar, the river of paradise, that He would make me the first intercessor and the first for whom there was intercession. He drew me forth, moreover, out of the best marriage for my people, and they are those who give much praise, enjoin good deeds and prohibit sin.'"

"Verily I was written in Allah's Presence as the Seal of Prophets while verily Adam was still kneaded in his clay." (Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, and al-Hakim in his Mustadrak.) 

Until then ( 106 or 107 A.D. at the martyrdom of Symenon ) the church remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, for those who attempted to corrupt the healthful rule of the Savior's preaching if they existed at all, lurked in obscure darkness. But when the sacred band of the Apostles and the generation of those to whom it had been vouchsafe to hear with their own ears the divine wisdom had reached the several ends of their lives, then the federation of godless error took its beginning through the deceit of false teachers, who, seeing that none of the Apostles still remained, barefacedly tried against the preaching of the trust the counter -proclamation of knowledge, falsely so-called." (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 111, Chap. xxxii.)


This blog we will be educating and dispelling the Misconceptions held by Christian missionaries about Islam , the Quran, the prophet Muhammad and our understanding of the Bible. 

There is a lot of islamophobia through the social media channels and a lot of ignorance about Islam, the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH).We invite you to participate in the dialogue with honesty, sincerity and an intention to learn more from authentic sources rather than from Anti Islam unauthentic sources.

Thank you


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