Seerah (biography of the prophet (saws) in the light of the dawah Part 7

By Jamal Dookhy - August 2, 2021
Seerah (biography of the prophet (saws) in the light of the dawah Part 7

Seerah (biography of the prophet (saws) in the light of the dawah Part 7.

Some signs and miracles after his birth

It was tradition among the urban Arabs to send their children to grow up in the desert, we see the character of Ismail (as) who was raised in the desert, he was a hunter, strong man and a strong leader

They used to believe that the desert is more pure and is a cleaner environment and is healthier for them to grow in they also believe that this will strengthen their character because of the harshness that will make them stronger people so they would send their children out of these cities to live in the desert and that happened with Rasool saws and he was brought up in the land of banu saad.

Halima saadia narrates to us  the story she says that she came with her friends to Mecca so that they could take with them children to nurse and for them this was something that they were paid for so you would have these Bedouin women come into Mecca and they would try to adopt or nurse some children Halima Sadia came into Mecca and she said that that particular year was a year of famine, so they were very poor now she and her friends they went around the houses of Mecca searching for children who need to be nursed. she said that Mohammed saws was presented to each and every one of them and they all declined to accept him they all refused to accept Mohamed Salah Salam why, because he was an orphan and they were saying what good is an orphan who will pay us if his father is dead, so they wouldn't agree on a certain amount of money. What they would do is they would nurse the child and then they will be given some financial compensation as a gift since Mohammed Salah Salem was an orphan no one accepted him because he doesn't have a father to pay for him and they said his mother wouldn't really be able to pay as much so they all declined to accept Mohamed Salah Salam. 

Halima says at the end of the day all of my friends were going back to their camps with children except myself, I found no one to take with me so at night I told my husband I'm gonna go next day in the morning and accept that child called Mohammed since we have no one else I'm not going to go back home empty handed. 

She said my husband agreed so I went next day in the morning and I went to Mohammed's mother I mean I've been twice and I said that I accept to take your son.

Halima says that the night before we could not get any sleep because our camel was not providing any milk and because of the famine and the hunger I wasn't able to provide my own child with milk so he would cry throughout the night and keep us awake that was their situation, very poor.

Point to mention the beginning of some of the miraculous events that happened after the birth of rasool saws.

Halima says that as soon as I picked up Mohamed Saws) and took him back to my camp my breast immediately welcomed him and provided him with all the milk that he needed until he was satisfied and the milk was enough for my son and that was the first night that we were able to get a full night of sleep because my son wasn't able to sleep for quite a few nights so immediately the barakah of Mohammed Salah Salem was apparent.

She said and then my husband went out to milk the camel and it was providing so much milk that my husband came back and said oh Halima you have brought us a blessed soul there is something going on all of this blessing is showering us since you brought this young child in our house.

So now there's still camping in Mecca and they're ready now to go back to the desert, Halima said that when we were coming to Mecca I was riding a donkey that was so old and weak it was slowing down the whole group, and it was annoying everybody else, she said that this donkey was old and weak sometimes you would have a donkey rather than, go forward it would go sideways very tired and disoriented.

She said when we were going back my donkey was the fastest among the group. She said my friends were asking me is this the same animal you brought with you when you came to mecca. She said yes. They said by Allah something is going on.

 Now they went back to their land, Halima said me and My husband would send out our goats out to graze they would come back we would milk them whenever we want while everybody else in our tribe their animals would be hungry, without any milk. Now people are starting to complain to the shepherds telling them why don't you go and graze animals the same place where Halimah is grazing hers. she said they would take their animals after us following us to the same place yet, ours would come back full and theirs would come back empty and she said the child was growing up and we seeing the blessings of Allah on all us because of him. She said God went on blessing us this way and we recognized. He reached two years of age was already growing up a very fine boy not like the other children. I swear that by the age of two he was a sturdy boy so we took him to his mother when he was two years old. Now is time for them to return the child that’s it subhana Allah. 

The arabs of Makkah learned that the city is not a very healthy environment especially with Macca because it receives a lot of visitors from all over Arabia you know they can bring with them different diseases and germs into town but the desert is very pure as hard and dry and that makes it an unsuitable environment for the growth of bacteria and it will be a very healthy place to be.

Now it was time for them to return, Muahhamad salalalah Asalam to his mother.
 They went to Macca they told Amna we want to keep Muhammad with us you know it's not good for him to be in Macca might be dangerous. They are bringing up excuse they loved him so much, they knew he is blessed they wanted to keep them him, they kept on trying and trying and trying until Amna agreed, subhana Allah that was the blessing of Allah following Muhammad saws. She eventually agreed so they took him back with them.

One day was playing with his foster brother, so as foster brother came in rushing and said my brother from Quraish, they said what happened to him. He said two men dressed in white came down and knocked into the ground and then they opened up his abdomen. So halimah said, me and his father went rushing and we came to see him saws, his colour was pale and we asked what happened he said two men came in the open my chest and they took out something from it. Halima loved Mohammed so much and she didn't want anything to happen to him plus she did not want anything to happen when he is with her. So she rushed back to Makkah.

Point to mention

Was Muhammad circumcised?

The Christians are so infatuated with whether Muhammad Saws was circumcised or not. It is a question they often throw at us in Facebook and other places. The uncircumcised who have turned their backs from the covenant god made with Abraham have a sudden infatuation with whether Muhammad saws was circumcise or not and since it is not mentioned in the Quran they think they can throw it at us and make a story about it.

Their own knowledge is so limited if you ask them if Adam was circumcised they would have no answer. What about Moses. They would not know but they will question if Muhammad saws was circumcised  



Footnotes of History of tabari 645. Aminah bt. Wahb b. 'Abd al-Manaf was from the Meccan clan of Zuhrah.

Her apparently uxorilocal marriage with 'Abdallah b. 'Abd al-Muttalib was ended by the latter's premature death (see n. 662 below), and she herself died when Muhammad was only six years old, leaving him to his paternal grandfather's care. See E12, s.v. Amina (W. M. Watt). Popular belief and lore in early Islam attributed various supernatural details to Aminah 's pregnancy and the birth of Muhammad, including the story of the dream of divine radiance, "the light of prophethood," the averring that she was bearing "the lord of this community," and the remarkable ease of her giving birth to him, clean, with cut umbilical cord and circumcised, after which the infant placed his hands on the ground and gave thanks to heaven. See In Hisham, Sirat al-nabi, ed. Wilstenfeld,102, io6 - ed. al-Sagga et al., I,166-67, 175, tr. 69, 72; Ibn Sa'd, Kitdb al-Tabagdt al-kabu, I/1, 6o-61, 63-64. On the topic of Muhammad's being born circumcised and the fact that , according to some traditions, Muhammad was only one of a series of prophets born circumcised, see Kister, ..... And he was born circumcised.

Praise be to Allah.

Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allaah have mercy on him) mentioned three opinions concerning the circumcision of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He said: 

There are different opinions on this matter: 

1 – That he was born circumcised 

2 – That Jibreel circumcised him when he split open his chest 

3 – That his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttaalib circumcised him according to the Arab custom of circumcising their sons. 

Tuhfat al-Mawlood, p. 201. 

With regard to the first opinion, Ibn al-Qayyim narrated many ahaadeeth in the book mentioned which indicate this, but he ruled all of them to be da’eef (weak). Then he mentioned that if a child is born circumcised, this is a defect and it is a not a sign of virtue as some people think. 

And he said: 

It was said that Caesar the king of Rome whom Imru’ul-Qays came to visit was born like that (i.e., uncircumcised) and Imru’ul-Qays entered upon him in the baths and saw him like that, and composed a line of verse mocking him for being uncircumcised: 

He scorned him because he was not circumcised, and he regarded his being born like that as a defect. This line of verse was one of the reasons that motivated Caesar to poison Imru’ul-Qays and he died. 

The Arabs used to think of the act of circumcision as being something virtuous, but not the feature itself.  

Ibn al-Qayyim said: Allaah sent our Prophet from amongst the Arabs, and He gave him attributes of physical perfection and made him of fine lineage. So how could it be possible that he was born circumcised? It was said that circumcision was one of the words with which Allah tested His Close Friend Ibraaheem, and he fulfilled this word, and the most severely tested of mankind are the Prophets, then the next best and the next best. The Prophet listed circumcision as one of the features of the fitrah, and being tested with this and carrying out this command with patience will multiply the reward. It is more befitting that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) should not miss out on this virtue and that Allaah should honour him in the same way as He honoured Ibraaheem, because he is more virtuous than any other Prophet. 

Tuhfat al-Mawlood, 205-206 

With regard to the second opinion, he said: 

The hadeeth about the angel splitting open his heart was narrated through many isnaads going back to the Prophet; it does not mention in any of them that Jibreel circumcised him, except in this hadeeth which is (shaadhdh ghareeb (odd and strange). 

Tuhfat al-Mawlood, p. 206 

With regard to the third opinion, he said: 

Ibn al-‘Adeem said: It says in some reports that his grandfather ‘Abd al-Muttalib circumcised him on the seventh day. He said, this seems to be the correct view and closest to reality.  

Tuhfat al-Mawlood, p. 206 

Ibn al-Qayyim said in Zaad al-Ma’aad (1/82): 

This issue arose between two righteous men. One of them wrote a book saying that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was born circumcised and compiled in it ahaadeeth which are not sound at all. His name was Kamaal al-Deen ibn Talhah. He was criticized by Kamaal al-Deen ibn al-‘Adeem who explained that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was circumcised according to the custom of the Arabs. As this was the custom of all of the Arabs, there is no need for a report (to prove that he was circumcised). 

And Allaah knows best.



Daf 12a


The verse states with regard to the birth of Moses: “And the woman conceived, and bore a son; and when she saw him that he was a goodly [tov] child, she hid him three months” (Exodus 2:2). It is taught in a baraita that Rabbi Meir says: “Tov” is his, Moses’, real name, as it was given to him by his parents when he was born. Rabbi Yehuda says: His name was Toviya. Rabbi Neḥemya says: They said he was good because they saw that he was fit for prophecy. Others say: They said he was good because he was born when he was already circumcised. And the Rabbis say: At the time when Moses was born, the entire house was filled with light, as it is written here: “And when she saw him that he was a goodly [tov] child,” and it is written there: “And God saw the light, that it was good [tov]” (Genesis 1:4).



Avot D'Rabbi Natan

Chapter 2


What was the fence that Job made around his words? It says (Job 1:5), “A pure and righteous man, who fears God and turns away from evil.” This teaches us that Job distanced himself from anything that would bring him to sin, from any ugliness, and from anything even resembling ugliness. If that is so, then why do we have to also learn that he was “a pure and righteous man”? But instead, this is here to teach us that Job emerged [from the womb] already circumcised. Adam also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Genesis 1:24), “And God created the person in His image.” Seth also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Genesis 5:2), “He had a child in his likeness and image.” Noah also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Genesis 6:9), “A just and pure man in his generation.” Shem also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Genesis 14:18), “Malkitzedek, king of Shalem.”2Malkitzedek is understood in rabbinic tradition to be Shem. The Hebrew word shalem means “complete.” Jacob also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Genesis 25:27), “Jacob was a pure man, who sat in tents.” Joseph also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Genesis 37:2), “This is the progeny of Jacob: Joseph.” But shouldn’t it say [instead]: This is the progeny of Jacob: Reuben? What do we learn from [the fact that it says] Joseph? [We learn] that just as Jacob emerged already circumcised, (so, too,) Joseph emerged already circumcised. Moses also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Exodus 2:2), “She saw that he was good.” And what did his mother see in him that was lovelier and more praiseworthy than any other person? That he emerged circumcised. Bil’am the wicked also came out circumcised, as it says (Numbers 24:4), “The word of him who hears God’s speech.” (Samuel also emerged circumcised, as it says [I Samuel 2:26], “Young Samuel continued to grow and was good.”) David also emerged circumcised – as it says (Psalms 16:1), “A mikhtam3A ketem (which has the same Hebrew letters as mikhtam) can mean a type of spot or marking. of David. (Protect me, for I seek refuge in You).” Jeremiah also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Jeremiah 1:5), “Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you; and before you came out of the womb I consecrated you.” Zerubbabel also emerged already circumcised, as it says (Haggai 2:23), “On that day (I will take,) [declares the Eternal of Hosts, I will take] Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, declares the Eternal.” And it says (Job 31:1), “I have made a covenant with my eyes, so how can I gaze at a maiden [i.e., an unmarried woman]?” This teaches that Job was strict with himself and would not even look at a maiden. And if with a maiden – whom he could marry if he wished (to his son, to his daughter, or to [another] family member) – he was strict with himself and would not look at her, then all the more so [would he never look at] a married woman! And why was he so strict with himself not to look even at a maiden? Because Job said to himself: Perhaps I will look today, and tomorrow another man will come along and marry her, and then I will have looked at a married woman.

12:8).102Angel of the Lord goes on to explain a godlike being. 

והנה נער בוכה. היו איבריו גדולים כאילו הוא נער. וראתהו מהול ובעבור יפיו חמלה עליו. וזה טעם כי טוב הואAND BEHOLD A BOY THAT WEPT. Moses’ limbs were as large as if he were a fully developed boy.103Scripture describes Moses as a na’ar (a boy). However, he was a yonek (an infant), hence I.E.’s comment. Pharaoh’s daughter noticed that Moses was circumcised.104Thus Pharaoh’s daughter identified him as one of the Hebrews’ children. She took pity on him because of his beauty.105In other words, Pharaoh’s daughter saved Moses because of his beauty. This is the meaning of that he was a goodly child.106See I.E.’s comment on verse 2. (Exodus 2:6)

Midrash Tanchuma

He was righteous (Gen. 6:9). This suggests that he was one of the seven men born circumcised.10Tradition differs as to the number of men born circumcised. Buber Tanhuma, Noah 6 mentions ten, Midrash on Psalms 9:7 lists thirteen. Adam and his son Seth were born circumcised, as it is written: He begot a son in his own likeness after his image, and he called him Seth (Gen. 5:3). Noah was born circumcised, as it is written: He was righteous (lit. “perfect”) in his generations (ibid. 7:1); Jacob was born circumcised, for it is said: And Jacob was a quiet (lit. “perfect”) man (ibid. 25:27); Joseph was born circumcised, for it is written: These are the generations of Jacob: Joseph (ibid. 37:2) because he resembled his father; Moses was born circumcised, as it is said: And she saw that he was a goodly child (Exod. 2:2); and Job was born circumcised, as it is written: A wholehearted (lit. “just”) and upright (“perfect”) man (Job 1:1).

Until then ( 106 or 107 A.D. at the martyrdom of Symenon ) the church remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, for those who attempted to corrupt the healthful rule of the Savior's preaching if they existed at all, lurked in obscure darkness. But when the sacred band of the Apostles and the generation of those to whom it had been vouchsafe to hear with their own ears the divine wisdom had reached the several ends of their lives, then the federation of godless error took its beginning through the deceit of false teachers, who, seeing that none of the Apostles still remained, barefacedly tried against the preaching of the trust the counter -proclamation of knowledge, falsely so-called." (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 111, Chap. xxxii.)


This blog we will be educating and dispelling the Misconceptions held by Christian missionaries about Islam , the Quran, the prophet Muhammad and our understanding of the Bible. 

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