Seerah biography of the prophet in the light of the dawah Part 8.

By Jamal Dookhy - August 9, 2021
Seerah biography of the prophet in the light of the dawah Part 8.

Seerah biography of the prophet in the light of the dawah Part 8.

  • Announcements
  • Talk about trolls and why I don’t accept them in my channel
  • Recap about what happened to Muhammad Pbuh

A good seerah book that I want to advise is a book that  I did when I was doing my Islamic studies with Dr Bilal Philips course it's called “Fiqh as seerah” and it's written by Sheikh Mohammed Al ghazali and very interestingly in the beginning like we did a couple sessions ago.  in the book here it says on page 25 the greatest catastrophe which befell on the religions on account of Pagan attack was terrible changes affecting the religion of Isa son of Mary they turned its day Into Darkness and it's peace into distress, they turned unity into idolatry degraded the human race and hung it's upliftment on sacrifice. They turned the ideology of Jesus into a hotchpotch of unnatural beliefs myths and legends the myth of the trinity and redemption was revived after early paganism succeeded in thrusting it upon the new christianity in this way it gained two victories, it strengthened itself and it led others astray. Thus when the 6th century of the Christian era arrived the lights of guidance throughout the world had gone out and Satan was traversing their vast expanses of land admiring the thorns he had planted and seeing how sturdy he had grown. Magianism in Persia was stubborn vanguard of widespread idolatry in China India the Arab countries in all parts of the ignorant globe. Christianity which vehemently opposed it borrowed most prominent characteristics feature the myths and ancient Indians and Egyptians it subscribed a wife and a child to Allah and seduced its followers in Rome Egypt and Constantinople with a kind of Polytheism more advanced than that of the fire worshippers and the idol worshippers of polytheism mixed with monotheism and fighting pure polytheism what is the value of these contradictions which Christianity collected together . 

 Jews Christians and pagans say 68. And they said, “God has taken a son.” Be He glorified. He is the Self-Sufficient. His is everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Do you have any proof for this? Or are you saying about God what you do not know?69. Say, “Those who fabricate lies about God will not succeed.”70. Some enjoyment in this world; then to Us is their return; then We will make them taste the severe punishment on account of their disbelief.(surah 10:68-70) Sheikh Mohammed Al Ghazali  carries on to say in his book under the title the nature of the final message the Prophet Muhammad Saws had a unique characteristic of being global and eternal. Allah was capable of sending a Warner to every village and guide in every age. now if the towns are always in need of Warner's and the ages of the need of guides then why were they substituted by a single man. The truth is that this substitution resembles the brevity which contains many meanings in just a few words.

The prophethood of the of Mohamed Saws was complete substitution for the sending of an army of prophets distributed throughout the ages and the wide world. In fact it filled the need of sending an angel to every person who lived and will live on the earth as long as the people look forward to guidance and salvation. He goes on to say when Allah sent Muhammad saws to guide the world, he ensured that the message contained principles which would open the doors for intelligent people to understand what was and what would be the Quran which she sent down on the people’s heart is a book from the Lord of the worlds to all living people to guide them to goodness it and inspire them with uprightness. Muhammad was not a leader of tribes, people who are good, because he was good and when he died they faded away? He was a force of goodness which played a role in the moral world similar to the role played in the material world by the discovery of steam and electricity. Muhammad al Ghazali says on page 45 concerning the status of the sunnah relation to the Quran, it is a duty of the Muslims to arrange in order the sources from which they take their faith and to know the correct position of the recorded sayings and actions of the prophet saws in relation to the complete record of divine revelation with which the final message was crowned. The Quran is a spirit and essence of Islam and it can its conclusive verses its current institution was laid down and its method explained. Allah himself undertook to protect it and in this way the reality of faith was preserved and everlasting life was decreed for. The man who Allah chose to convey signs and deliver his message was a living Quran. he walked among them he was a perfect example of faith, humility, striving and struggle, truth and strength understanding and expression. it is no wonder therefore that his sayings, actions tactic agreements morals and rules as well as all aspects of his life up are counted as the pillars of faith and legislation. The Quran is the law of Islam and the Sunnah its application and Muslims are required to respect this application just as much as they require to respect the law itself. Allah himself gave his prophet the right to be followed in all that he ordered and prohibited since in these things that he did not speak of his own accord but under guidance from his Lord. Thus obedience to him is obedience to Allah and it is not blind submission to a human being. Allah says in surah 4 verse 59


Bismillahil rahamaan iraheem



"(0 you who believe!) Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (Muhammad ) and those of you (Muslims) who are in authority...".


So Halimah returns Muhammad saws to his mother

 She rushed back to makka and said here is, here is Muhammad you can have him back we have fulfilled our responsibility. Amna asked how come you're bringing him back when you're so interested in keeping him, they said nothing she insisted tell me what happened you were so insistent on keeping and now you want to bring him back. what happened. Halima said she kept on questioning us until we eventually told her. Amina responded she said are you afraid for him that satan might hurt him, by Allah that will not happen. when I was pregnant with him, it was the lightest pregnancy, and when I delivered his birth was unlike any other child and when he came out I have seen light that was reaching to as sham, the protection of Allah is with him and i'm sure that he will have a great future.

Muhammad saws was back with his mother, Rasool saws was nursed initially by his mother and Umm ayman whose name was barakah an Abyssinian woman who lived in Macca she later on became Muslim and prophet saws married to his freed slave Zaid bin Haritha who was a slave and rasool saws slave have freed him and married him to umm ayman.

Umm ayman 

She was an Abyssinian slave of Muhammad's parents, Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib and Aminah bint Wahb. Following the death of Aminah, Barakah helped to raise Muhammad in the household of his grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim. Although he saw her as a mother. Muhammad later freed her from slavery, but she continued to serve Muhammad and his family. She was an early convert to Islam, and was present at the important battles of Uhud and Khaybar.

Following her freedom Muhammad also arranged her marriages, first to Ubayd ibn Zayd of the Banu Khazraj, with whom she had a son, Ayman ibn Ubayd, giving her the kunya Umm Ayman (meaning mother of Ayman). She was later married to the adopted son of MuhammadZayd ibn Harithah. Her son with Zayd, Usama ibn Zayd, served as a commander in the early Muslim army and led the Expedition of Usama bin Zayd into the Byzantine Empire.

So sheik al Ghazali mentions in his book, Muhammad saws spent about one month among his mother’s relatives in Medina near his father’s grave and then he set out to return to Macca. from the start of the journey however is mother became seriously ill she died at Abwa, leaving him alone with his bereaved maid who were talking about earlier on umm Ayman, he was then five years at years of age. his mother passed away when he was the age of six, so now he lost his father and mother. This news comes as a misfortune caused old scars to reopen and sharpen the feeling of tenderness which Abdul Muttalib had for the young boy. From then he never left him alone, but took him along to all his gatherings. When he sat on his mat beside the Kaaba he held the boy close while all the elders sat around him. Abdul muttalib lived a long time and it is said that he died at the age of 120 years old. Nevertheless, when he died, Muhammad saws was only nearing his eighth year. Before he died Abdul muttalib thought it best to entrust the boy’s uncle Abu talib into the care of the boy,  

Abu talib carried out his duty towards his nephew to the best of his ability including among his sons and even prefer preferred him to them for over 40 years continue to support and protect him and to befriend or oppose on his behalf. Muhammad grew up in abu Talib’s home and acquired a deep understanding of his environment. He insisted on sharing the burdens of life with his uncle since abu talib was not wealthy and had met and had many children Abu talib decided to travel to Syria for trade, Muhammad saws insisted on going with him although he was only 13 years old.

 Point to mention

Bahira the Monk 

The next point is important and it needs to be spoken about, considering Bahira the Monk. According to non-muslims the prophet saws learnt the Deen from a monk he met on his travels and that is how he was able to write the Quran according to them. Sheik Al gahzali says there are no authentic account of the details of his journey travelling is one of the most fertile gateways to knowledge it has deepest effects. The lesson would not have escaped a person like Muhammad saws with his keen mind and pure heart in all that he saw at home and on his travels. It is certain however that he did not go out to study religion or philosophy, nor did he meet anyone with whom he could discuss these matters. The history books relate some strange occurrence at which happened to him such as encounters of the Monk Bahira. This man saw on his face and on his back signs of prophethood. He also put on what is going to you with all of the time my son he said his father should not be alive then said in fact he is a son of my brother who died when his work when the child’s mother was pregnant with him the Monk said now you have spoken the truth taking back to your country and be careful of the Jews over him this story may be authentic since the news of a profit after Jesus is to be found in the Bible of the questions ever since only just rejected Muhammad’s message there then find a were there have been awaiting the expected profit but it will never come because he has already come whether the story of is authentic or not the fact is that it left no after effects for neither did Mohammed start to aspire all prepare for profit after hearing the Monk travelers and again the caravan spread the news of it was forgotten as if it never happened and this makes it more likely to be an unauthentic. So we can put to rest at the actual myth that the non-Muslims mention that it was Bahira who taught his his religion and he learnt that he brought from back of the Monk. One thing for sure that is mentioned that the Jews were waiting for another prophet as mentioned above and obviously like we know they know that of another prophet was going to come after Jesus and obviously it was Mohammed Saws so the fact that the monk bahira mentioned whether it’s true or not to keep him away from the Jews is the fact that they were waiting for another prophet to come and since they tried to kill Isa (as)could try to cause harm to him aswell. Therefore it is said that the said at the said it is Mu’allal it contains a weak point according to principles of any scholars assert at it this adhesive fabricated similar to what is in the gospel writers say about some people who are looking for Jesus soon after his birth in order to kill him the Christians took this from the buddhists who say that the buddha  when his virgin mother gave birth to him he was sought by his enemies wanted to kill him so there again when the Christians do raise this point this is the answer they can be given. This is the early age the early years of Muhammad saws. I will talk about a few events here and there that happened before prophet hood.

But we will talk about some of the important events that happened. Rasool saws was protected by Allah he would not commit sins which were usual and normal amongst his people. 

Allah subhana wataala was keeping him away from these sins. Rasool saws narrates an example of this. He says that i was a shepherd and one day i told my friend who was also shepherd with me I told him tonight I want to go into macca to attend the party's my peers attend, rasool saws was a young man, at the time and all of his friends were attending parties except he, he was only would not join them in this points, so one day i wanted to see what they were doing. So I told my friend to take care of my flock until I come back.

He agreed, rasool saws said I went into Macca and I arrived at the place where they were having this party and rasool saws said as soon as I was hearing the music Allah subhanawatala struck my ears and I fell asleep. He said the next day I decided to attend the I went into macca so my friend i went into macca and as soon as I reached the place and I was hearing the music Allah subhana wataala struck my ears again and I fell down asleep.and I woke up when the party was over was over and I realsised, this was a sign from Allah.Allah subhana wa taala is giving me a sign.We have another example by zaid ibn harith who was the servant of rsasool, saws, narrates that there were two brass idols called isaaf and naila which the polytheist would touch as they performed tawaf. The messenger of Allah said don’t touch it, the people of the Quraish when they made hajj and umrah they would touch these two items was part of their worship. Rasool saws told zaid don’t touch it.

How did rasool saws know that he wasn't supposed to touch it, it was hedayat coming from Allah subhana wa taala.

so as we went round again I told myself I would touch it to see what would happen, when I did so the messenger of Allah  asked me were you not forbidden to do that. Zaid then stated that the messenger never salute an idol right up to when Allah the almighty honoured him and he gave him the revelation. Rasool saws was never made sujood an idol, never touched the idols in the sense of worship and had a natural dislike to idol worship and he even applied those rules on his family. Zaid ibn Haritha who was his servant, rasool saws told him don’t involve in touching these idols. And that’s why Ali ibn abi talib radiallahu anhum that's why he never worshipped an idol why because, because he was raised in the house of who?   Muahmmad saws when abi talib was poor rasool saws offered to take care of his son Ali, So ali ibn abi talib radiallahu anhum was raised by rasool saws and therefore never made it sujood never worshipped idols because he was brought up in the house of the messenger of Allah saws. Allah subhan wa taal wa guiding him towards some of the ibadaat that nobody else knew about.


Point to mention

A lot of Christians on facebook like to ask what did Muhammad saws worship before he became a prophet, they like to claim he was a pagan who praticed pagan worship but the hadith above proves them wrong. Also it proves that Muslims do n ot worship stones as they like to blame us for kissing the Black stone. Which we will come to come to again some other time. So if he was stopping his own family from touching idols , and getting involved in idol worship then how could he have been an idol worshipper?

Among the people of the people of Quraish during hajj they would be the only people not to participate in rituals of arafaa, there were different rituals, tawaf of Kaaba, safa and Marwa, standing in aarafa, camping in mina. The people of quraish would participate in all of these rituals with the exception of Arafa. why because is considered arafa is outside of haram, outside the boundaries of the sacred place.

So all of the arabs would go arafa to in hajj with the exception of the people of Quraish, they said  we are the dwellers of al haram: how can we go how can we get out of the boundaries of Al haram. we are the people of mecca how can we get out of the boundaries of Mecca. So they would stop at the borders with Arafa. Al mu’am bin jubair he lost his camel and he ended in arafa searching for is camel and have to his amazement who does he find their in arafa muhhammad  there, Al jubair said isn't he from among the people of Quraish? what is he doing in arafa?

But Allah subhana wa taala was guiding Muahmmad saws by fitrah to go to arafa at time of hajj

The first profession of Muahmmad was Shepherding that the first thing he did and also in bukhari Rasool saws says “Allah has not sent a prophet that was not a sheperd” his companions then asked you aswell?” he said “yes I used to herd sheep with compensation from the people of Makka”.

Every prophet has been a Shepherd striking that Allah subhana wataala has trained all of his ambiya by going through this line of work. Perhaps this was what accustom them to the leadership of the people gentleness to the week and wait wakefulness over are for the protection unit one day for the realities of the universe and would it be and what is beyond it and the knowledge of mankind and all that they are concerned with was suddenly poured into the hearts of the profit without prior and systematic proper preparation the answer is of course not even though the profits did not acquire knowledge by the same means and laws as we do they had a sound ability to think and reason and put them in full in the forefront of all educated people what is a knowledge that elevates one soul it is a memorisation of lessons and absorption of principles and laws there may be in that they are domain many parrots there are many parrots who repeat all they hear without understanding at times you wish with the small children memorise perfectly and are able to recite speeches of the most famous politicians and leaders neither do the children become great men that they are because of what they memorise nor do the parrots become now human beings. You may find someone who learns understands argues and wins even though knowledge in itself is like veins of gold and is in a neglected piece of rock it neither promotes good law prevents evil are lightened to liken to donkeys at the Jewish rabbis who carried the Torah and do not discipline themselves by grant as a number of other chapters are 62 verse five the madness of those who are entrusted with the law of Moses yet do not apply to is a likeness of the donkey carrying books.

Important point to mention here

very often someone muslims get taunted for the fact that the the laws of the Quran the laws of the hadith are being applied and we agree that these laws has to be applied for example the laws of apostasy under the laws of them are in our Quran. everything that there according to Sharia they have to be applied yet when you look in the Into in the Torah the laws of when they are their questioned and yet they proudly and haughtily say we don’t implement so what are the laws of God there for to carry books in and keep on the shelves. Didn’t God give these law laws to apply, to implement. so nowadays are kinda told us Muslims are that the laws of apostasy what are the laws of apostasy in Islam. Today her home sector’s homosexuality is rampant men marrying men and women are marrying women and the laws are there for them to implement and they don’t in the accepted that it is accepted yet when Muslims tend to talk about these laws we are being told that we cruel, we are on the backwards, so according to them these laws are not made for I am fermenting the law is a godsend just reject a lot and just carried on books like donkeys is what this verse is actually talking about the likeness of those who are entrusted with the law of Moses yet do not apply it is a likeness of God’s word donkey carrying books yes they have it and they said they keep telling us we don’t implement it and yet they say that Muslims are cruel Muslims are evil Muslims are backwards for implementing the law of God and yet they don’t implement it. So who  the ones were actually behind who are the ones that are more lovable to God for the ones who are actually the more practising their religion and these are the ones of these people don’t like. 

Until then ( 106 or 107 A.D. at the martyrdom of Symenon ) the church remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, for those who attempted to corrupt the healthful rule of the Savior's preaching if they existed at all, lurked in obscure darkness. But when the sacred band of the Apostles and the generation of those to whom it had been vouchsafe to hear with their own ears the divine wisdom had reached the several ends of their lives, then the federation of godless error took its beginning through the deceit of false teachers, who, seeing that none of the Apostles still remained, barefacedly tried against the preaching of the trust the counter -proclamation of knowledge, falsely so-called." (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 111, Chap. xxxii.)


This blog we will be educating and dispelling the Misconceptions held by Christian missionaries about Islam , the Quran, the prophet Muhammad and our understanding of the Bible. 

There is a lot of islamophobia through the social media channels and a lot of ignorance about Islam, the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH).We invite you to participate in the dialogue with honesty, sincerity and an intention to learn more from authentic sources rather than from Anti Islam unauthentic sources.

Thank you


Hi and welcome to My blog, this blog is for education and bridge building between Christianity and Islam. It is by no means an attack nor ridicule on any one's belief. Please be courteous and let us share the common ground between us. We will be dispelling the misconceptions from the Quran and The Bible