How Christain misssionaries lie and accuse Islam concerning slavery when it is Biblical and Islam came to abolish it

By Jamal Dookhy - May 5, 2023

How Christain misssionaries lie and accuse Islam concerning slavery when it is Biblical and Islam came to abolish it

Aboo mohammad Jamal Dookhy, 


Slavery has been an issue of great controversy and debate throughout history. It is a topic that is often painful to discuss, but one that must be explored in order to understand the full extent of its impact on society. From biblical slavery to chattel slavery, the practice of owning and controlling human beings has been an unfortunate reality that has caused generations of people to suffer.

One of the most important aspects of understanding slavery is examining its dirty history. While slavery has existed in various forms throughout much of human history, perhaps the most well-known and brutal period of slavery occurred during the transatlantic slave trade from the 16th to the 19th century. This period saw millions of Africans forcibly taken from their homes and shipped across the Atlantic to be sold as slaves in the Americas. The conditions aboard these slave ships were horrendous, with slaves packed into tight quarters and often subjected to brutal treatment by the ship's crew.

However, one aspect of slavery that is often overlooked is its history in the Bible. Biblical slavery was not just a reference, but a reality of life in ancient times. In fact, the Old Testament has numerous references to the practice of slavery, with slaves often being referred to as bondservants or servants. The book of Exodus even has detailed instructions on how to treat slaves, stating that "if a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property" (Exodus 21:20-21.)

This type of treatment of slaves was also referenced in the New Testament. The apostle Paul famously instructed slaves to "obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ" (Ephesians 6:5). This passage has been widely criticized for promoting the idea that slaves should be obedient and submissive to their masters, even in cases where their masters may be abusive and cruel.

However, it is important to note that not all forms of slavery were created equal. Chattel slavery, for example, was a particularly heinous form of slavery that emerged in the Americas. Chattel slavery involved the ownership of human beings as property, with no end in sight to their servitude. This type of slavery was cruel and inhumane, with slaves being subjected to harsh treatment, violence, and even death.

Despite the prevalence of slavery in the Bible and in human history, there have been efforts to abolish it. One religion that made significant progress in this area was Islam. The Quran includes numerous verses that promote the abolition of slavery and encourage the freeing of slaves. For example, Surah Al-Baqarah states that it is a righteous act to free slaves, and Surah An-Nuur states that those who cannot free slaves should at least treat them with kindness and fairness.

In addition to these verses, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) himself was known for his efforts to free slaves. He reportedly freed a number of slaves during his lifetime, and even married freed slaves from war captives. In Islam, freeing slaves is considered a form of repentance and forgiveness of sins, with many Muslims throughout history choosing to free slaves in order to seek forgiveness from Allah.

Unfortunately, there are those who deliberately try to attribute slavery to Islam in order to hide the realities of slavery in the Bible. Christian missionaries in particular have been accused of spreading false information about Islam in order to promote their own faith. These efforts to discredit Islam are both unfair and inaccurate, and serve only to further misunderstandings about slavery and religion.

In conclusion, slavery is a complex and difficult topic that must be approached with sensitivity and respect. While it has been a dark stain on human history, it is important to acknowledge it in order to learn from it and prevent it from happening again. By examining the history of slavery in the Bible and in other religions, we can gain a better understanding of this terrible practice and work towards promoting peace and understanding in our world.

Until then ( 106 or 107 A.D. at the martyrdom of Symenon ) the church remained a pure and uncorrupted virgin, for those who attempted to corrupt the healthful rule of the Savior's preaching if they existed at all, lurked in obscure darkness. But when the sacred band of the Apostles and the generation of those to whom it had been vouchsafe to hear with their own ears the divine wisdom had reached the several ends of their lives, then the federation of godless error took its beginning through the deceit of false teachers, who, seeing that none of the Apostles still remained, barefacedly tried against the preaching of the trust the counter -proclamation of knowledge, falsely so-called." (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 111, Chap. xxxii.)


This blog we will be educating and dispelling the Misconceptions held by Christian missionaries about Islam , the Quran, the prophet Muhammad and our understanding of the Bible. 

There is a lot of islamophobia through the social media channels and a lot of ignorance about Islam, the Quran and the Prophet (PBUH).We invite you to participate in the dialogue with honesty, sincerity and an intention to learn more from authentic sources rather than from Anti Islam unauthentic sources.

Thank you


Hi and welcome to My blog, this blog is for education and bridge building between Christianity and Islam. It is by no means an attack nor ridicule on any one's belief. Please be courteous and let us share the common ground between us. We will be dispelling the misconceptions from the Quran and The Bible